Each interest acquired by PPI is secured via the exclusive licensing
of technologies by formation of a joint venture company (JVC) and
the equity held by PPI within the JVC is retained within the holding
company. This method was utilized by companies such as Occidental
Petroleum, and other major oil producers. This methodology allows
for maximum flexibility and profitability for PPI, while at the
same time protecting PPI as a hole against any adverse effects on
one interest. PPI may well hold varying equity interest in many
companies, but all will be within the energy sector.
PPI acquired the licensing of a technology by formation of a joint
venture company (JVC) with Petro Carbon International that recovers
hydrocarbon from a variety of oil wastes including liquids: slop
oil, sludge, refinery wastes, drill inverts and hydrocarbons contaminated
This proprietary technology, also remediates soil: solids to meet
or exceed established regulations governing land replacement, including
US EPA requirements.
PPI is in the process of acquiring the exclusive license for the
Middle East with a company that has a proven, innovative, patented,
and cost effective technology for radio drilling. This company has
a technology which produces enhancement of Wells by using high-pressure
fluids to “drill” radio channels out from the existing
bore up to 300 feet.
PPI is in discussions with a number of other technical companies
with synergistic products.
In addition to servicing the needs of the energy industry via the
use of its patented technologies. PPI will pursue oil concessions
on its own fields within the Middle East.